In their heart, Anglicans are Bible-believing and deeply (if sometimes quietly) spiritual Christians, who are linked to all Christians everywhere via the Communion of Saints, and especially connected to Christianity’s ancient heritage through our liturgical (structured) worship and the unbroken succession of clergy (ministerial) authority, conveyed by the Biblical practice of laying on hands, across the generations, and traceable ultimately to one of Jesus original apostles, who obtained their authority the same way from the Lord Himself.
We differ from some other liturgical churches in our view of Scripture—we won’t teach or require any doctrine not founded on God’s written Word. And because we recognize our worship has been in God’s presence for so many centuries, we have also chosen to continue to use the more ancient form of liturgy (Greek: meaning “people’s work”), and enjoy God’s Glory resident in that worship, especially when we invoke His Holy Spirit into it.
So, when taken in context, traditional Anglicans, if they truly understand their heritage believe:
We are America’s first Faith.
Their Bible is a true and inerrant record of God’s interaction in history and is also His unchanging and perfect Word to His people.
Jesus, then is the Way, the Truth and the Life—the only way to the Father and salvation.
The Holy Ghost is real, active, available, and conveyed to every believer by the laying on of hands for their edification, empowerment, and enlightenment.
Our God calls us all to an authentic and living Faith that extends far beyond an hour or so on Sunday morning, but rather that we are to be Salt and Light to a world that deeply needs real, committed Christians who are serious about the entirety of their Faith.
The Dominical Sacraments—Baptism and Holy Communion—are needed for salvation and life.
Our Lord is spiritually present in the consecrated elements of bread and wine at the Holy Communion.
The ancient Creeds of the Church are accurate Scriptural summaries of the Christian Faith.
We are called not to simply “go through the motions” of a Christian life, but to acquire and experience holy lives changed by the Gospel, the Holy Spirit, and the Sacraments—and to live the abundant life of victory our Lord intended us to have.
We are catholic (although not part of the Roman Church), meaning “of the universal church,” practicing the ancient form of seven Sacraments, but also protestant, meaning “asserting” the entire truth of God’s Word by simply doing what it says to do.
From the Website of the Province of the Holy Spirit (Anglican Rite)