Restoration Pointe Community Church
Pooler + Savannah
A Pointe of Restoration for this Present Generation
Restoration Pointe is focused on restoring people to God through the person of Jesus.
God our Father, whom Jesus often called "Abba", is the One who comes to His own.
God so loved from the beginning because as the Apostle John tells us “God is love.”
God loves you and God loves me!
Why? Because God has chosen to!
We find the fullness of this expression in how God has spoken through all the ages and generations and each has something to offer of Jesus' unconditional love and
self-sacrifice. Many have found that expressed in the Anglican Tradition with a myriad freedom of expressions, to bring those who will come to Him a part of that family we come to know as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
At this beginning point we pray that God will bring many others to join us is this adventure into
Christ Jesus, our Maker, Defender, Redeemer and Friend. Hoping to launch in the Port Wentworth / Pooler area in early 2022 and actively recruiting a team who wishes to be part of something new yet ancient and true. Write, call or text to the address below or phone number
Father Rob Bagwell+ 781-724-1650
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Who We Hope to Be
Life is a journey and God said from the beginning that it was "not good" for the man to be alone and I don't believe that just meant the first woman. Loneliness in this culture is pandemic and CoVid did not help. Jesus came to make us free and he still does. In Exodus 15:26 the Lord addressed Israel as Yahweh Rapha: I am the Lord who heals you. We would like to aid in that endeavor and invite you to share with us is a community that seeks to authentically represent Jesus to the world. The Lord heals and Holy Spirit is welcome here as well as you. We invite you.
The Mission of Restoration Point Church is:
To Exalt Christ Jesus through timeless and timely worship, prayer and praise.
To Establish Christian Community through Belief and Personal Encounter with Jesus.
To Equip the faithful through Scripture and Tradition, Sacrament and Prayer, Equipping people to equip others with the good news that Jesus alone can give.
To Extend the Love of God in Jesus Living in the Kingdom of God in works of outreach, love and mercy

Restoration Pointe Community Church is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Fellowship strives to provide a "God" approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We seek to connect our members to the power of God creating heart change in lives. Ultimately we believe in changing lives through healing relationships and by God's grace changing individuals and communities by God's love.
Changing one life at a time with the unconditional Love of God
Apostolic Mission Outreach
Apostolic Mission Outreach
Apostolic Mission Outreach
Apostolic Mission Outreach
Faith Family Body In-reach

Apostolic Mission Outreach
In the Steps of Jesus
The continuation of "koinonia" goes forth from the congregation. The word "Apostle" means "sent". Hence, the church from the earliest days ministered to those outside the fellowship in corporal works of ministry: feeding the hungry, cloithing the naked and making home for the homeless. This is done with the love of God and the heart of Jesus by the zeal of Holy Spirit. As God opens the heart of members of the Body are moved, this newer mission is prayed over and a new ministry is born. This is how Christian ministries like: the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, the Salvation Army, Hospitals, Shelters and Food Kitchens were born. We find it hard to imagine life without such institutions, but they were born out of the Love of Jesus Christ.

Ministry of Word
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God
The Word of God as found in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures we take as God's revelation to all those who would seek His Fatherhood and Faith to answer the deepest needs of the human heart, soul and mind. We find the greatest revelation of this in Jesus whose Name means "Savior" who died that He might adopt us as sons and daughters of God and by this be actually adopted into the Family of God who Scriptures reveal as "Trinity". We invite other to come to this Family celebration for those who are now and are not yet the daughters and sons of the One Jesus named "Daddy" (Abba) Father.
The Word of God is not like any other book. It changes hearts and lives. Even in the days when people were or are illiterate, the Scriptures change hearts and lives so still it is the best selling book of all time. It is a comfort to those who are hurting. It is enlightenment to those who are seaching. It is life to those who are dead and mourning. It is so much of a threat that even today it is forbidden in Islamic countries and has been where dictators and those with little conscience seek to dominate and control the Freedom that this timelss book still gives in our own day.

Ministry of Sacrament
Feeding the Soul of the Community
Sacraments are the testimony of God that He will keep His covenant promises to those who come to Him in faith through Christ Jesus. Sacramentum is the oath that the Roman soldiers took to the Caesar saying that those who were prepared to die for him and the empire saluted him. In the Christian Sacrament however, we all break these oaths: "so help me, God". In the Christian Sacraments, it is God, it is Jesus, it is Holy Spirit who keeps the oaths for us because we cannot. The ancient and historic churches commonly recognize seven sacraments: baptism, eucharist, confirmation, matrimony, ordination, anointing of the sick, and ministry to the dying.
At Restoration Pointe we believe that God restores the individual in the initial act of faith, first sealed at Baptism but full realized and proclaimed at Confirmation. One of the signs of this restoration into the family of God is Holy Communion also known as Eucharist (Thanksgiving) and Mass (supper of the faithful).
We all grow from infancy to diverse stages of development. So it is in the family of God. Our mission in Christ is always lived better with other believers. The Newer Testament of the Bible calls this the "Koinonia", the fellowship. It is of this koinonia that the ancient peoples marveled at when they said of the Christians: "See how they love one another ! " This was an anomally in the ancient world as it is becoming in our own day. The church cared for all of those the ancient and modern world rejects. The Jesus Followers learned Scripture teaching to equip them to live this life outside the confines of the "koinonia" and thus the "Jesus movement was born and continues to our own day.

The Reverend Robert RM Bagwell+
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV)